ACI – Certificate II in Airside Safety + test (E-learning)

Aircraft handling & airside operations · Security · E-learning · Certificate: ACI

Training information

  • Length of training: 1 day
  • Language: English
  • Certificate: ACI Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: None
  • Price: $ 695 (VAT Excluded)

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Target Audience

  • Airport managers, supervisors, or personnel with operations, safety, or compliance responsibilities
  • Airport ground staff
  • Airport and ground operations service providers
  • Personnel responsible for training and facilitating airside operational staff
  • Anyone interested in a career in airport operations and/or safety


Building on the knowledge gained in Certificate I in Airside Safety, Certificate II in Airside Safety combines five safety courses into a certificate-level program.

Exploring some of the more specialized areas of airside safety, this certificate allows learners to broaden and deepen their understanding of how to effectively establish and maintain safe airside operations.

Each course includes an integrated online assessment. Candidates must successfully complete the assessment to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course content

  • Produce more appropriate emergency plans that enable their airport to effectively cope with a crisis and return to normal operations as soon as possible.
  • Understand how to employ defenses to prevent accidents and incidents from occurring and how to approach and conduct the accident and investigation process at their airport.
  • Produce better and more appropriate plans for the management of, and safe operation during, airport construction projects.
  • Apply methodologies and best practices to achieve a “state of the art” level of runway safety.
  • Know and understand the key elements involved in Wildlife Hazard Management and how these elements are integrated successfully into the airport’s Wildlife Hazard Management Plan.

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