Theft prevention

Passenger services · Communication · Classroom · Certificate: Aviato Academy

Training information

  • Length of training: 0.5 day
  • Language: Dutch & French
  • Certification: Aviato Academy Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: None
  • Price: € 230 (VAT excluded)

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Target Audience

The training is designed for store employees whose responsibilities encompass preventing shoplifting at the entrance, on the sales floor, in fitting rooms, and at the (self-scan) checkout.


Preventing thefts necessitates an integrated approach involving a series of measures, with a crucial recognition of the added value of staff. The objective of theft prevention training is to raise awareness among staff about their responsibility and active role in ‘theft prevention,’ without necessarily resulting in an increase in working hours.

The focus is on how staff can effectively address shoplifting in a fundamentally commercial manner and minimize its occurrence.

Course content

  • The employee’s role in preventing theft.
  • Identifying the potential thief and distinguishing suspicious behaviour.
  • Recognizing theft techniques.
  • Understanding the connection between customer focus and theft prevention.
  • Transitioning from routine to vigilant work.
  • Emphasizing the significance of a proactive attitude.
  • Deterrence using customer-friendly signals.
  • Monitoring and addressing theft behaviour.
  • Knowing how to respond when caught in the act or when the alarm is triggered.

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