Basic assistant declarant training

Cargo handling & logistics · Administration · Classroom ·

Training information

  • Length of training: 8 sessions (total 32 hours)
  • Language: Dutch
  • Certification: Syntra Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: None
  • Price: € 950 (VAT Excluded)

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Target Audience

  • Logistics professionals
  • Logistics employees
  • Forwarders and employees at transport companies
  • Employees of import and export companies
  • Individuals currently working in import or export-related functions who want to deepen their understanding of customs regulations and procedures.


The practice-oriented basic assistant declarant course offers the perfect opportunity to become a much sought-after professional in the world of customs and international trade. As an assistant declarant, you play an essential role in complying with the complex regulations governing the import and export of goods.

During this basic assistant declarant course, you will gain in-depth insight into customs processes and procedures. You will learn how to draw up customs documents, calculate import duties, determine the correct classification of goods, and ensure compliance with national and international laws and regulations. In addition, you will become familiar with customs systems and software used in practice.

After completing this program, you can work as an assistant declarant with customs agents, logistics service providers, import and export companies, or with international trade departments of large organisations.

Course content

Day 1:

  • Union structure and relations
  • Customs legislation
  • Authorisation of customs facilities
  • Customs status of goods
  • Declarations and declarations
  • Declaration systems and supporting applications

Day 2:

  • The customs tariff
  • The binding tariff classifications and tariffing of goods
  • Valuation on the declaration: customs value, statistical value and VAT taxable amount

Day 3:

  • Release for free circulation and consumption, exit of goods
  • Export and re-export
  • Special customs procedures
  • Temporary storage

Day 4:

  • Excise goods, products
  • Declaring movements of goods
  • Declarations and EMCS
  • Exercises on pricing goods, calculating taxes and valuation

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