IATA Dangerous Goods 7.1 & 7.3 Basic Radioactive Module

Cargo handling & logistics · Special cargo · Classroom · Certificate: IATA

Training information

  • Length of training: 1 day
  • Language: English, Dutch & French
  • Certificate: IATA Certificate valid 2 years.
  • Previous knowledge required: 
    • Knowledge of English language
    • Holder of a valid IATA Certificate ‘7.1 Function: Personnel Responsible for Preparing Dangerous Goods Consignments’ or ‘7.3 Function: personnel Responsible for Processing or Accepting Dangerous’
  • Price:
    • Training course: €230 (VAT excluded)
    • Supplement: €45 Certificate (VAT Excluded)

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Target Audience

This training is mandatory for all cargo personnel responsible for accepting and shipping radioactive material by air transport.


The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) is mandatory for all forwarders, handlers, airlines & shippers that accept and ship Dangerous Goods by air. 

It can be supplemented with the Radioactive Materials Module.

This module allows you to determine the correct classification of a package by entering the concerned measured values.

Course content

  • Applicability of Regulations, specific for radioactive material
  • Limitations on transport of radioactive material
  • Classification and identification of radioactive material
  • Packaging
  • Marking and Labeling
  • Documentation
  • Handling of radioactive material
  • Exercises
  • Examination

Training calendar

17/10/2024 · BRUcargo 706, 6th Floor · 09:00 - 16:30 · Language: Dutch

13/12/2024 · BRUcargo 706, 6th Floor · 09:00 - 16:30 · Language: Dutch

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