English for non-native speakers

General · Communication · Classroom · Certificate: Aviato Academy

Training information

  • Length of training:
    • A1: 64 hours
    • A2: 64 hours
    • B1: 120 hours
  • Language: English
  • Certification: Aviato Academy Certificate & Elao Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required:
    • A1: none
    • A2: A1 certificate
    • B1: A2 certificateProof of achieved level will have to be submitted by the student.
  • Price:
    • € 115 per person per session of 4 hours (+18€/test)
    • € 605 per half day for max 8p excluding start and end test (+18€/test)

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Vlaams Opleidingsverlof


Target Audience

  • Non-native speakers who want to acquire a basic knowledge of English.
  • Non-native speakers who have basic knowledge and want to build on it.
  • Workers who have a good foundation and want to build on it professionally.


Do you work at Brussels Airport? Then of course you want to learn English. Because you need English if you work here: talking to your colleagues, doing your work, communicating with your manager, going to meetings.

In the English A1 and A2 courses you take your first steps. Do you already speak some English? Then a B1 course is perfect for you. Knowledge of the English language plays a role in safety but also in well-being at work as it promotes integration.

To be able to support you in the best possible way, we would like to get to know you better. We ask you to take a logic and level test during an initial assessment. During an intake interview, we sound out your expectations, language skills, highest diploma obtained, etc.

You will then receive advice on which level you should follow.

Course content

  • The A1 course is aimed at all non-native speakers who want to acquire a basic knowledge of English, within the aviation sector. Learning specific aviation terminology is required to be able to do the job properly and understand the working arrangements on the work floor.
  • The A2 course is aimed at all non-native speakers who have acquired a basic knowledge of English within the aviation sector and wish to build on this. Further learning of aviation terminology is required to be able to do the job properly and understand the working arrangements on the work floor.
  • The B1 course is aimed at people who have already acquired a good foundation of English within the aviation sector and want to further enhance professional language usage. Further refinement and application of aviation terminology are required to perform the job in safe conditions and to properly manage colleagues on the work floor.

Training calendar

10/09 - 05/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 1

10/09 - 05/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 2

10/09 - 05/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 1

10/09 - 05/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 2

11/09 - 06/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 1

11/09 - 06/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 2

11/09 - 06/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 1

11/09 - 06/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 2

12/09 - 07/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 1 Group 1

12/09 - 07/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 1 Group 2

12/09 - 07/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 1 Group 1

12/09 - 07/11/2024 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 1 Group 2

12/11 - 21/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 1

12/11 - 21/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 2

12/11 - 21/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 1

12/11 - 21/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 2

13/11 - 22/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 2 Group 1

13/11 - 22/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 2 Group 2

13/11 - 22/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 2 Group 1

13/11 - 22/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 2 Group 2

14/11 - 23/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 2 Group 1

14/11 - 23/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 2 Group 2

14/11 - 23/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 2 Group 1

14/11 - 23/01/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 2 Group 2

04/02 - 01/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 1

04/02 - 01/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 2

04/02 - 01/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 1

04/02 - 01/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 1 Group 2

05/02 - 02/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 1

05/02 - 02/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 2

05/02 - 02/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 1

05/02 - 02/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A2 - Module 1 Group 2

06/02 - 03/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 3 Group 1

06/02 - 03/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 3 Group 2

06/02 - 03/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 3 Group 1

06/02 - 03/04/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 3 Group 2

22/04 - 04/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 1

22/04 - 04/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 2

22/04 - 04/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 1

22/04 - 04/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: A1 - Module 2 Group 2

23/04 - 26/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 4 Group 1

23/04 - 26/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 08:30-12:30 · Language: B1 - Module 4 Group 2

23/04 - 26/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 4 Group 1

23/04 - 26/06/2025 · Brussels Airport Building 54 · 13:00-17:00 · Language: B1 - Module 4 Group 2

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