The art of delegating

General · Management · Classroom ·

Training information

  • Length of training: 2 sessions (total 6 hours)
  • Language: Dutch
  • Certification: Syntra Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: None
  • Price: € 300 (VAT Excluded)

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Target Audience

Managers, executives, team leaders – in short, anyone who manages a team.


As a manager, you are always short of time. Making that urgent marketing plan. Thinking up a new project. Reviewing the quarterly figures thoroughly. Following the latest trends in your field. All tasks that you add value to as a manager but don’t get around to because so many daily worries get in the way.

The aim of this training course: spending your time on things that are important and not getting involved in things your employees can solve themselves.

You will learn in one day to translate some useful concepts and techniques to your own context. And you can put that to work in the workplace.

Course content


  • Delegation as the basis of good leadership.
  • Your time allocation shapes your starting situation. Why are you not delegating (enough)? What is your vicious cycle?
  • Why do you delegate? Know your number: what you cost per hour is a benchmark. But also: giving growth opportunities to your team.
  • What can/should you delegate and what definitely not?
  • Quick wins to break your patterns. “I don’t know how to do that!”


  • Delegate from your personal point of view. Know yourself and your challenges with delegating.
  • Build the delegating process. ‘Delegate’ checklist and follow-up. Arranging consultation and reporting.
  • Get your team ready. Know your staff and build trust. The delegation growth ladder. Capture knowledge in procedures and manuals.
  • For whom.

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