Outlook: mailbox and calendar management

General · Administration · Classroom ·

Training information

  • Length of training: 2 sessions (total 6 hours)
  • Language: Dutch
  • Certificate: Syntra Certificate
  • Previous knowledge required: Outlook Basics
  • Price: € 300 (VAT Excluded)

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Target Audience

Individuals who already work with Outlook regularly/daily in a professional context, but want to learn tips and tricks to work more efficiently.


If you work in an office environment or are self-employed, chances are that you use the Office program Outlook daily to send e-mails, hold meetings and manage your calendar. Outlook (not to be confused with Outlook.com, the successor of Hotmail) is more than a simple program for sending e-mails. Microsoft itself calls it a “personal information manager and e-mail client”.

Even if you are an experienced user, chances are that you only know 10% of the possibilities the program has to offer. By mastering these useful options of Outlook as well, you will ensure that you can work faster and save time.

During this one-day training course, we teach you in a practice-oriented way to work efficiently with the most important tools and “hidden tricks” of Outlook. On the basis of concrete cases, you will master effective solutions for everyday situations. In this way, you gain time and efficiency and gain full control over your mailbox and calendar.

Course content


  • Organise your Outlook screen efficiently


  • Adding contacts
  • Sharing contact details
  • Creating a group of contacts


  • Useful options when composing an e-mail message
  • Adding a file, Outlook item, business card, or signature to an e-mail message
  • Using your building blocks in an e-mail message
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Sort, group, and filter e-mail messages
  • Applying conditional formatting
  • Create and assign colour categories
  • Mark emails for follow-up
  • Add additional folders (custom folders, search folders…)
  • Setting up rules
  • Cleaning up a folder
  • Avoiding unwanted e-mails


  • Creating a to-do list
  • Converting an e-mail message into a task
  • Assigning tasks


  • The different display options
  • Useful options when creating appointments and events
  • Finding appointments and events
  • Adding an additional calendar
  • Sharing your calendar data
  • Letting a colleague manage your calendar
  • Organising an Outlook meeting
  • Responding to a meeting request

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